Working Papers
2019. “La evolución de la economía y el rechazo a la inmigración en Europa". Artículos, Observatorio Social La Caixa, Julio 2019.
2019 (with Mariña Fernández-Reino and María Ramos). “¿Son los inmigrantes más ambiciosos que sus compatriotas que no emigran?”. Artículos, Observatorio Social La Caixa, Abril 2019.
2012. “The Great Recession: Political Trust, Satisfaction with Democracy and Attitudes to Welfare-State Redistribution in Europe”. IMDEA WP No. 2012-08.
2011 (with Lucinda Platt). “Nurse or Mechanic?: Explaining Sex-Typed Occupational Aspirations amongst Young Children”. DoQSS Working Paper No.11-08, Department of Quantitative Social Science, Institute of Education.
2010 (with Lucinda Platt). “Girls like Pink: Explaining Sex-Typed Occupational Aspirations amongst Young Children”. IMDEA WP No. 2010-19.
2010. “Socially-Embedded Investments: Explaining Gender Differences in Job-Specific Skills". IMDEA WP No. 2010-12.
2009 (with Francesc Ortega). “Labor-Market Exposure as a Determinant of Attitudes toward Immigration”. IZA Discussion Paper No. 2009-4519. (also published as IMDEA WP No. 2009-14.
2008. “Sex-Differences in Job-Allocation: What Drives Women’s Investments in their Jobs?”. Estudio/Working Paper, 2008/239. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
2008. “Domestic Supply, Job-Specialisation and Sex-Differences in Pay”. ISER Working Paper Series, 2008-33. Essex: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
2007. “Occupational Sex-Composition and Earnings: Individual and Societal Effects”. Demosoc Working Paper, 2007-22. Barcelona: Department of Political and Social Studies, Pompeu Fabra University.
2007 (with Stefannie Brodmann). “Immigrants in Denmark: An Analysis of Access to Employment, Class Attainment and Earnings in a High-Skilled Economy”. Demosoc Working Paper, 2007-21. Barcelona: Department of Political and Social Studies, Pompeu Fabra University.
2006. “The Effects of Occupational Sex-Composition on Earnings: Job-Specialisation, Sex-Role Attitudes and the Division of Domestic Labour in Spain”. Demosoc Working Paper, 2006-18. Barcelona: Department of Political and Social Studies, Pompeu Fabra University.
2005. “Temporary Employment in Advanced Economies: Drawing Lesson from Spain”. Demosoc Working Paper, 2005-8. Barcelona: Department of Political and Social Studies, Pompeu Fabra University.
2004. “Task-Specificity and the Gender Wage Gap”. Sociology Working Papers, 2004-03. Oxford: Oxford University.
2004. “Demand-Side, Supply-Side and Institutional Determinants of Temporary Employment: Spain in a Comparative Context”. Estudio/Working Paper, 2004/212. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
2003. “Partial Deregulation in Spain: More cons than pros”. Estudio/Working Paper, 2003/195. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
2002. “Temporary Contracts and Labour Market Segmentation in Spain: An Employment-Rent Approach”. Sociology Working Papers, 2002-01. Oxford: Oxford University.
2002. “El Paro te Cambia: Los mecanismos causales del voto de castigo en las elecciones generales de 1996”. Estudio/Working Paper, 2002/180. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
1999. “How do Labour Market Experiences affect Political Attitudes? Analysing the political effects of Labour-market Dualisation in Spain”. Estudio/Working Paper, 1999/142. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
1998. “The Dualisation of Unemployment Risks: Class and Insider/Outsider Patterns in the Spanish Labour Market”. Estudio/Working Paper 1998/128. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.
1997 (with Andrew Richards). “Trade Unions, Unemployment and Working Class Fragmentation in Contemporary Spain”. Estudio/Working Paper, 1997/112. Madrid: Juan March Institute of Study and Research.