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Grandes Datos, Grandes Sesgos, Grandes Errores

Sobre el Atlas de Oportunidades

Big Data, Big Biases, Big Mistakes

On the Spanish Atlas of Opportunities

Revista Internacional de Sociología, 78(3), e166, julio-septiembre, 2020          

El Atlas de Oportunidades, impulsado por las fundaciones Felipe González y Cotec, ha sido recientemente presentado por sus autores como una herramienta única para estudiar la movilidad social en España. En este trabajo, publicado en la Revista Internacional de Sociología, sostengo que el Atlas es, en realidad, una mala herramienta para el estudio de la movilidad social, tanto por razones conceptuales como, sobre todo, por razones metodológicas. y desaconsejo la utilización de los datos del Atlas para la investigación académica sobre movilidad de ingresos.

The Atlas de Oportunidades, recently launched by the Felipe Gonzalez and the Cotec foundations, has been defined by its authors as a unique tool to study social mobility in Spain. In this paper, published in Revista Internacional de Sociología I contend that the Atlas is actually a bad tool for studying social mobility for both conceptual and, most importantly, for methodological reasons. I explain these reasons and advise researchers against the use of this Atlas for the academic study of income mobility. 

Descarga mi comentario aquí

Atlas de Oprtunidades.jpg

The SISTER method: Mechanics and debate

Survey-based Imputation of Synthetic Traits used as Exogenous Regressors

In a 2015 ASR article, I introduced SISTER, a new method to estimate the causal effects of culture using migrant populations.  In a critical comment, Chou raises significant concerns about SISTER and concludes that the method is flawed. In a subsequent reply I contend that Chou’s conclusion is incorrect because it is based on a mischaracterization of the methods’ identification assumptions. Here you can download my original article, Chou's comment and my reply, together with supplementary material, including an annotated guide to implementation comands (in Stata).

My 2015 ASR article       Chou's 2016 comment    My reply to Chou     A 2m clip on my ASR article (en Español)



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